Wednesday, April 20, 2005

the maybook

Originally uploaded by Ronnie James.

This beautiful thing is the brand new book from Catherine Theis, "The Maybook." 9 poems that veer with rhymes into a logic of spring. They are "patient with the intelligences" as one of these short, untitled pieces would have it. The book was produced directly from Ms. Theis' typescript, the idea being to preserve the immediacy of thought/feeling in them, which, of course, is the immediacy of skin in commerce with spring air, lava, birdsong, and poison ivy.

The book's release coincides with the month of the title, so hurry on up pardner, and get yerself a copy b4 yer left naked on a corner confronted by a lilac tree. "The Maybook" is truly a guide for the perplexities of May.